A little bit about me.
I am an animal lover and nature seeker through and through. I love latin dace and I have a tough time doing any chores without listening to an audiobook. Nothing makes me laugh harder than Mad Libs! I've been loved well by family, friends and partners. I'm also a child of divorce, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I’ve worked hard over the course of my life to learn how to own and honor my story – the parts that fill me with joy and gratitude, and the parts that are painful. It’s been a vulnerable journey that I’m sure I’ll be on for the rest of my life.
My greatest joy is helping others come home to themselves while connecting with the natural world.
Learn more about my credentials and experience here
core Values
My core values serve as my guiding lights for how I live and work – with people and with more-than-human animals.

Turning towards the parts of myself that scare me with love and kindness, and accompanying others in that process.

Choosing courage over comfort and what’s right over what's fun, fast and easy, and continuing to return to my values.

Seeing another exactly as they are. Honoring our spiritual connection through being deeply seen and deeply known. Offering receptive trust, kindness, respect and affection.

Finding joy, laughter and playfulness in everyday moments, even when things are hard.
Curriculum Vitae
- Master of Social Work; Smith College 2017
- Master of Education, Social Justice Education;
University of Massachusetts Amherst 2012 - Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Sociology;
Mount Holyoke College (Magna Cum Laude with Honors) 2008
Licenses & Certifications
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Texas
- Circle of Security Parent Facilitator,
Circle of Security International - Brené Brown Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator
Additional Training
- The Willing Equine's Positive Equine Professionals Course, Jan-Oct. 2024
- KARE Chicken Training Camp with Terry Ryan, WA, 2024
- Shawna Karrasch Equine Clinic, TX, 2022
- Treating Racial Trauma: Strategies for Working with the Wounds
of Racism, NICABM, 2022 - Tending to Racial Trauma During Crisis with Sam Lee, LPC,
and Melody Li, LMFT, 2021 - Master Class in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy with Leif Halberg,
- Interpersonal Neurobiology Course with Bonnie Badenoch,
2020-2021 - Behavior Works LLA, Dr. Susan Friedman, Ph.D, 2020
- Positively Together with Your Horse, Bex Tasker, TX 2019
- Circle of Security Parent Facilitator Training, 2019
- Positive Reinforcement Clinic, Willing Equine, TX, 2019
- Brené Brown Daring Way™Consultations, 2018-2019
- Brené Brown Daring Way™Training, 2018
- Brené Brown Rising Strong™Training, 2018
- Self-Compassion with Kristen Neff, 2017
- NARM: When Therapists Get Stuck, Laurence Heller Ph.D, 2017
- SMART (Sensory, Motor, Arousal Regulation Therapy for
traumatized children and teens) Trauma Center, Brookline,
MA, 2017 - Natural Lifemanship Wild Mustang Workshop, CA, 2017
- Neurobiology of Trauma Training, MA, 2017
- Natural Lifemanship Fundamentals Training, CA, 2016
- Highlander Education Center, TN, 2015
- ARC (Attachment, Regulation and Competency) Framework
(for traumatized kids and families), Clinical Support Options,
MA, 2016-2017